“Jodi does it again. Her organized approach to tackling a difficult subject keeps the reader turning the pages of her new book. She doesn’t shy away from sharing her own story, with its pitfalls, learnings and ultimate reward – a great relationship with the love of her life.”
“The sharing of Jodi’s own story in Finding Forever Love was powerfully insightful and will be a guiding light for those in search of true meaningful love. I found the book to be light-hearted and full of perception, as it is jammed packed with wisdom, common sense, practical examples, and a few surprises. I felt warm in knowing Jodi cares for a woman’s well-being. She’s right there with you and has your back every step of the way!”
“Finding Forever Love is a no-nonsense self-help book full of engaging stories, tools, and tips on overcoming any obstacles you might be facing in the world of dating. The 7-step FOREVER Framework is your guide, and the steps are clear and concise. It is an introspective journey to take to challenge yourself to look at your belief systems on dating, while acknowledging the knowledge and strengths you already possess. The best part of the book is that it addresses any fears or self-doubt you may have, and provides you with strategies to successfully find your forever love. It’s a must-read for any gal searching for Mr. Right.”
“Finding Forever Love is refreshingly honest, sent from the soul, and is no-holds-barred to the point. I appreciated all the personal stories used as examples, because it told me I’m not the only one experiencing those types of dates. Thanks for this very valuable information!”
“Where was this book years ago? Finding Forever Love is clear and concise regarding what to do to find Mr. Right. The author’s advice is very practical and helpful. So often, we try to change the man, or change who we are, to make it work. We forget who we are, all for a man. It’s a slippery slope. Dating takes thought, intention, and a big load of grace! This is a book to help us be clear with our intentions in all our relationships.”
“Answers are hard to find when you are questioning yourself and looking for reasons to doubt yourself. Using her FOREVER Framework, Jodi shows the reader that doubting yourself is normal after relationship breakdown. The FOREVER Framework allows you to embrace the doubt and turn it into finding Mr. Right. Written from the heart, this book guides the reader to turn hurt into a path forward to where you will find Mr. Right.”
“Finding Forever Love offers practical steps to successfully navigating the dating pool. I found the advice to be very real and usable. Whether you dread the thought of dating again, you are already dating, or you’ve already found your Mr. Right, this book has something to offer.”
“Finding Forever Love was a very easy read and is spot on to the stage I’m currently at. Thank you, Jodi, for helping me see I’m not alone and I need to continue to be patient.”