Jodi Schuelke

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Hi, I’m Jodi!

I’m the relationship coach for anyone feeling stuck in a toxic or unhealthy relationship. If you’re ready to take action, I can help you move forward so you can have the happiness you truly deserve.


Relationship Coach & International Best-Selling Author


Relationship Coach & International Best-Selling Author

Latest Release

What People Have to Say about "Finding Forever Love" [Read More]

Finding Forever Love
7 Steps to Your Mr. Right

Sick and tired of being single and consistently dating the wrong guys?

Jodi Schuelke, relationship expert and coach and the international best-selling author of I Just Want Out and Relationship Detox, lays out the 7 steps of her FOREVER Framework™ process so you can transform your dating strategy and find your Mr. Right – the one you truly deserve!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Stop settling for guys who are not the right fit.

  • Identify what you really want in a future relationship partner.

  • Improve your dating strategy and skills to be more effective.

  • Quickly spot emotionally healthy and stable men.

  • Evaluate your date to see if he’s your Mr. Right.

  • Find and keep your forever love.

I found my forever love, and I’ve helped countless others do the same. If you’re ready to finally find your Mr. Right and live happily ever after in real-life, get this book and get on your way to making your dreams come true!

Ready for the Forever Love Tool Kit?

What if you could experience a unique transformation that would help you find your Mr. Right? And what if you had the perfect dating guidebook to help you live a real-life happily-ever-after?  Finding Forever Love is the missing link for women who’ve been endlessly searching for their dream relationship partner.


Get even more of the support you need to for a successful journey.


Relationship Detox

Relationship Detox Training Video

Relationship Detox

Relationship Detox Training Video

Relationship Detox

From break-up's and divorce, healing and moving on, dating after divorce, to finding the relationship of your dreams ... Jodi's got your back and can help you have the life you've always dreamt about!

Learn the 7 Steps of the FORWARD Framework™ process to prepare for your ideal relationship from international best-selling author and relationship coach, Jodi Schuelke.

What People Have to Say about "Relationship Detox" [Read More]

Ready for the Relationship Detox Training Video?

Break the grip from past relationship patterns. Reclaim your personal power.


Freedom Tools Every Smart Woman Needs

3 Freedom Tools Every Smart Woman Needs

Freedom Tools Every Smart Woman Needs

3 Freedom Tools Every Smart Woman Needs

Learn the 7 steps of the FREEDOM Framework™ process so you can smartly, safely, and swiftly leave an unhealthy or abusive marriage and finally have the life you've always dreamed about.

What People Have to Say about "I Just Want Out" [Read More]

Would You Like Your Own Journey to Freedom Tool Kit?

Ready to get started on your Journey to Freedom?
Get the do-it-yourself video course now!

Udemy Course coupon code: 40551451DBCBA496B9C4



Meet Jodi


Meet Jodi

About Jodi

Jodi Schuelke, Relationship Coach & Bestselling Author

Jodi Schuelke, Relationship Coach & Bestselling Author

Hello and welcome! 

I’m a Certified Life & Relationship Coach, international best-selling author, talent development director, adjunct professor and corporate trainer. I help women and men step away from relationships – and relationship patterns – that are no longer serving them so they can prepare for and finally find the relationship of their dreams. The one they truly deserve!  

My Story

I’ve lived the full relationship spectrum, all first-hand experience: Dated my high school sweetheart; Got married when I was very young and very naive; Spent the next 10 years trying to fix what I came to realize was a toxic and emotionally abusive marriage, while raising two kids. I planned our departure and finally, safely, left my first husband; Survived a long, stressful divorce while fighting for my rights (at a time when the laws weren't as supportive of abuse victims); Co-parenting for 15+ years with a jerk and dealing with post-divorce legal issues.

Following my divorce, I fell into a long-term rebound relationship and shortly after our engagement, things quickly turned tumultuous and I saw his true colors.  That break-up felt like a second divorce, but this time I vowed to let myself have some fun...which became known amongst my inner circle as my 30’s Gone Wild phase!

Following countless dates and various length relationships, and ultimately lots of heartache, I was ready to get serious about my future. That's when I went through my own relationship detox and was able to clear out the muck, heal from my past, and figure out exactly what I wanted.

It was the best decision ever because it allowed me to finally find my dream relationship, and marry my best friend, Dan, in 2013. I've never been happier to have such a thoughtful, honest, trustworthy, supportive, and loving man by my side! 

Jodi and Dan Wedding.jpg

I've Been Where You've Been

I know what you're experiencing and what you're feeling. I know the frustration, pain, and heartache of being in the wrong relationship, and how hopeless that search can feel – when you find yourself dating the same types of men and seems like all the good ones are gone.

The great news is I have the tools to help bring you through the pain and struggles so you, too, can find your dream relationship. 

Ready to get started? 

Jodi Schuelke, Relationship Coach & Bestselling Author

Coaching Programs

Coaching Programs

Coaching Programs

Coaching Programs

Relationship Clarity Coaching

An Individual Coaching Program based on Jodi's two most recent books.

  • Moving on from Divorce or a Break-up

  • Dating Again (post divorce)

  • Up-leveling your Dating Standards

  • Detoxing from the "Bad Boy" types

  • Preparing for Your Ideal Relationship

  • Finding and Keeping Your Mr. Right

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You're ready to move on and heal from your previous relationship or marriage, but you're worried about being on your own.

  • You're looking to start dating & put yourself out there (for the first time or again).

  • You've been dating and are SICK and tired of meeting the same losers, freaks, codependents, drama kings/queens, or messed up people and want to up-level your standards to vastly improve your dating game.

  • You're ready to cleanse & detox from old relationship patterns that keep you stuck and unhappy.

  • You're serious about finally finding the relationship of your dreams, the one you've always dreamed of and deserve, and getting married again!

AWESOME! Let's Chat & See if I can help!

Schedule your free, no obligation Relationship Clarity Consultation below.

Journey to Freedom On-Demand Video Course or Personalized Coaching

An in-depth virtual DIY course ($49.00) or individual coaching program ($600 -- package of six virtual sessions + email coaching) based on Jodi's debut book.

Get experienced & confidential help with:

  • Leaving Your Emotionally Abusive or Narcissistic Spouse

  • Divorce & Divorce Planning

  • Navigating the Divorce Process


Ready to step away from that unhealthy and toxic marriage, the one that's holding you back and keeping you from feeling happy, and preventing you from being your true self?

GREAT! Let's get started!